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The Holiday Season Is Upon Us: November at InterNations

The year is drawing to a close and November’s arrival unofficially marks the start of the holiday season. With Diwali and Thanksgiving festivities both filling this month’s calendar, InterNations members around the world have been getting together, celebrating traditions old and new!

Celebrating Light over Darkness

At the start of the calendar month is the Indian festival, Diwali. The five-day holiday is celebrated among many religions and commemorates the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. For many it is simply a time to relax, get together with friends and family, and enjoy the best of South Asian Cuisine.

This year it fell on Wednesday, 7 November and our Toronto Singles Group made the most of the occasion, having a Diwali-themed get-together. InterNations members dressed up in traditional Indian attire and enjoyed a night of good food and live Bollywood music. A big thank you goes to Sagar Kukreja for organizing such an impressive event!

For some expats, spending the holiday season abroad can be tough and that’s what makes our InterNations communities so spectacular. The Dallas DinnerNations Group made sure to not miss out on the celebrations. Activity Host Sanjeev Gupta did a great job organizing this feast at Chennai Café on Friday, 2 November, with InterNations members enjoying authentic South Indian cuisine and reveling in traditions old and new!

The Consul of the Manama Professional Networking Group, Berna Gomes, also threw a great Diwali feast on Thursday, 8 November. Members who attended enjoyed an evening of Mughlai food and entertainment at the Akbar Restaurant. Thank you, Berna, for organizing such an event, and we hope all those who came had a happy Diwali.

Thanksgiving: More Than a Turkey Day

The American tradition, Thanksgiving, falls on the fourth Thursday of November each year. Like Diwali, Thanksgiving is a holiday to be grateful for what you have and coming together with loved ones. The origins of the holiday date back to 1621 when pilgrims first arrived on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts and Native Americans saved them from starvation by sharing an autumn harvest feast.

This year Thanksgiving falls on Thursday, 22 November but that didn’t stop our communities from getting into the festive spirit early. The Las Vegas Community celebrated ahead of schedule on Wednesday, 14 November. Hosted by the wonderful Las Vegas Ambassador Victoria Beaupre, InterNations members enjoyed an evening of culinary delights at Via Brazil Steakhouse.

The Chicago Weekend Lunch Group also started celebrating early on Sunday, 18 November, with a slightly less conventional thanksgiving meal — swapping the classic turkey with a Korean BBQ lunch. Those that came had a great time enjoying hands-on cooking at the table!

There Is Time to Get Festive Yet… 

With Thanksgiving being only just around the corner, our InterNations Communities have plenty more events and activities in store. The Brisbane Sunshine Coast Group is meeting on Saturday, 24 November for a Thanksgiving lunch, followed by SUP and kayaking on the lake. Make sure to attend and let fellow members know what delicious dish your planning to bring!

Alternatively, if you’re in Houston this Thanksgiving, why not get into the spirit of the holidays by taking some time to volunteer for a great cause? The Houston Culture Quest Group will be volunteering at the Thanksgiving Super Feast at the George R. Brown Convention Center on Thursday, 22 November.

For those who aren’t a fan of turkey and stuffing, The New York Veggie Lovers Group invites you to a “Vegan Thanksliving Potluck Afternoon” on Thursday, 22 November. Bring along your favorite Thanksgiving dish, to share and impress other guests with!

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