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Board Games and Lateral Puzzles

Hosted by the Consul of the Budapest Games Group
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Took place 1 week 2 days ago
Fri 10 May 18:00 - 21:00

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We'll have another board games and lateral puzzle event at Board Game Cafe. I booked 2 tables (nr: 14 and 15), and the entrance fee is Protected content per person for 3 hours. Please only sign up if you intend to attend - thanks :)
The reservation is under my name.

Attendees will be divided into groups of Protected content solve the puzzles / play the games as a team. We start at 18.00, but you can join us later as well. Pls let me know upfront if you arrive late.

Homework: among other games we'll try '2 truth and 1 lie', for which please prepare 2 statements that are true about you, and 1 that isn't. The others will guess which statement is true and which is a lie.

You can bring your own game if it's in English and you can explain the rules. :)

Lateral thinking puzzles are strange situations in which you are given a little information and then have to find the explanation. They are solved through a dialogue between the quizmaster and the solvers who try to figure out the answer. A key part of the process is the asking of questions. The questions can receive one of only four possible answers – yes, no, irrelevant, or wrong assumption.

Hope to see you there :)