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15th Anniversary Dance Show of Hunique Dance & Folk Dance Night

Hosted by a member of the Reading Cultural Exchange Group
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Took place 3 months ago
Sat 27 Apr 15:00 - 23:59

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When the music is playing and spirits are high, you know it won't be long before we hit the dance floor. The joy of coming together is in the air, almost tangible... and that's why we dance – to express ourselves and connect with each other.
That's exactly how we imagine April 27th, when the Hungarian folk music and dance community in England will gather to celebrate.
The Hunique Dance Ensemble has been operating for 15 years now. Week after week, we come together to brighten our weekdays with shared experiences, nurturing our dance culture and feeding our souls. It's more than just a love for dance; it's like a second family.
We've been fortunate to host several bands, but none as steadfast as Folktone Band, who are also celebrating their 10th anniversary this year with a fantastic concert featuring guest musicians.

Doors open at 3 pm

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After the gala, the music will keep us going until midnight, and we'd love for you to join us in a communal dance to cap off the evening...