Easy Camping/Backpacking @ Angel Island (or Optional Day Hiking)
Just scored a campsite at Angel Island and it'll be a quick overnight trip. Angel island is easily accessible via Ferry from SF or Tiburon. I am planning to get there on Sunday morning and do a day hike before getting to the campsite. Others can join in the morning or come at your own preferred time.
If you are interested, please add yourself to the waitlist, lmk if you have backpacked before and other details :). I’ll confirm based on these details.
Shortest distance to the campsite is about 2 miles and 100' with options to make it a bit longer and more interesting.
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You are also welcome to join just for the day hike :)
If you do not know about "Leave No Trace" policy, please search for it or this event is not for you. Please carry 10 essentials:)
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