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A Night at the Cinema: the Children of Men

Hosted by the Consul of the Madrid Language Exchange Group
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Took place 1 week 6 days ago
Fri 19 Apr 20:00 - 21:50

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Year Protected content the human being is on the verge of extinction: men have lost the ability to procreate and it is unknown why all the women on the planet have become sterile. At the same time, the world is shaken when an 18-year-old boy, the youngest person on Earth, dies. a situation of rampant chaos ensues. In such circumstances, Theo, a disillusioned former London radical activist turned bureaucrat, is hired by Julian to protect a woman who may hold the secret to humanity's salvation, the most valuable person on Earth...

The film is in English with Spanish subtitles. It is directed by Alfonso Cuaron and it stars Clive Owen and Julianne Moore.
Duration: Protected content
You can buy the tickets online or from the Cineteca box-office. We will meet after the film for a drink at a nearby bar.