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Saturday Movie & Afternoon Drinks

Hosted by a member of the Strasbourg City Trotters Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 weeks 1 day ago
Sat 25 Jan 13:45 - 16:45

Ready to Join?

Join us for an unique afternoon hangout, a movie and drinks thereafter. You can also skip the movie and just join us for some drinks and nice conversation.

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Movie Name : Better Man
(the story of Robbie Williams)
Language : English with French subtitles
Address: UGC cinema Strasbourg near Rivertoire
Buy ticket, movie starting at 2:00pm
Meetup point: 1:45pm at the counter where your tickets are scanned upon entering the theater.

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After the movie which ends at 4:35pm, we continue our chat and drinks at the cinema cafe. It's easy to find us!

Important :
Book your cinema ticket as soon as possible to seat all together, and share your seat number in the conversation/comment below or private message. We will be seating at Row M, Protected content .

See you there!
Sheryl & Cedric