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SOLD OUT: Blind Italian Wine Tasting: Find the Chianti

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Took place 1 week 1 day ago
Thu 25 Apr 18:45 - 21:30

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If you have not yet purchased a ticket for this event, even if you signed up on InterNations, please do not show up as the private room at the restaurant cannot accommodate more people. We’ll do this again in May sometime. Thank you

Tickets must be purchased. Signing up on InterNations does not guarantee attendance. See link at end. The event always sell out and due to the size of the private room where the event is held, we cannot increase the number of tickets.

Join us for an Italian wine tasting event, where we will explore at least 6 different wines from different regions in Italy, and review the basic wine making methodologies and rating system.

With a blind taste test, we will try to match up what you see, smell, & taste with the correct wine. This is not a snobbish event as our objective is to discover new types Italian wines that you may not have tried before. This is NOT a sommelier event with servers in white gloves pouring wine.

Afterwards, please join us for dinner at the restaurant. $25 fee includes the wine tasting only, participants pay for additional food and drink consumption at the restaurant.

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Signing up through InterNations does NOT guarantee a spot at this event. Limited space.

6:45 pm Arrive - Meet and Greet
7:15 pm - Wine Tasting session
7:45 pm - Dinner