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Cancelled for the Moment : Madrid No Frills

Hosted by the Consul of the Madrid American Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Wed 20 Nov 19:00 - 21:30

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I AM SORRY I HAVE TO CANCEL THIS EVENT FOR THE TIME BEING, I have been given immersion work away for that week and Leah also has a lot on her plate. We will retake the topic as soon as we can. This activity will focus on a presentation and discussion of the housing problems currently becoming more and more critical in Madrid. Prices skyrocketing. People being evicted. Speculation a major issue. Leah Pattem of Madrid No Frills, Marjorie Kanter and perhaps one other speaker would present and then we would open the floor to discuss this serious matter. Afterwards we could go across the street or nearby for more informal conversation and a drink. I need to have an idea of how many people might attend to decide on where to hold it. Please let me know if you think you would com.