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Colombia Country of tramites -Illegal Parking (Bogotá)

I had a nightmare in retrieving my car that was impounded 3 days ago, The car was towed on Saturday at 3:0PM and it took me 2 days to get it back, since Saturday and Sunday everything is close.

The car was parked for 30 min in residential area Salitre , nearby I didn't see any sign that said you can't park, also i didnt see any parking lot since i was planning to have lunch for 30 min. so the story begin by calling the cops since the car wasn't there, they said that the car was impounded and you need to go to movilidadd to start the process.
you need the following 2 copies of these:
_Driver licence ( i tought driver licence is an id but i was wrong)
_ insurrance
_ Car title
_ Revison mecanicaca or car yearly check-up

I- First Part:
You submit all these documents and you get a number to wait in a long line, then they will process you paper work ( WAIT TIME CAN LASTUP TO 6 HOURS) , then you go to pay for the towing services and days spent in the lot. (first day :$64,500 then $46,500 the towing: $113,200 if your car is light. They are couple banks in site where you have to pay.

II Second part:

you have to pay for the infraction which i still dont know what was it for they told me in Bogota , you can't park in Public Parking period, means you car is subjet to be impound at any moment in Bogota. Sign that said you can't park here doesn't mean a shit.

III Third part:
you can pay only half of the infraction if you take 2 hours class on the spot , you have up to 5 days , you only need to register and you good to go.

IV Fourth part:
you can contest the ticket but you lose 100% of the time, if you plan to contest it , they waive the 50% they if you plan to take the class.

V Part five:
when you take your car from the impound lot, they dont remove the sticker that secure all the doors you need to pay for that or do it by your self.

PS: if you don't have the title on your name your need to bring all the above documents and copies of the original owner ID and power of attorney. I forgot to mention that you have to pay $600 to use the bathroom

Try to bring a book if you planning to make that trip. welcome to Colombia country of Tramites.

Please read all the reviews posted on their site:

1- Movilidad es de lo peor ladrones estafadores, tanta corrupción en la policía de tránsito no por ser amarillista pero viviera escobar hay si andaban juiciosos no serian tan hps.

Tienen la consigna de perseguir aniquilar y quitarle el carro y la moto a cualquier persona no importa lo que tengan que hacer o inventar.
Para ellos el fin justifica los medios.
2- que se le lleven el carro de en frente de la casa que por supuesto abandono es la ley mas deshonesta que se ha inventado el distrito para robar al pueblo.

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