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Insight on workshops held in ENG/FR/RO (Bucharest)


In January I will start a series of some cross-over workshops with an extremely interdisciplinary approach. They will involve creative and strategic thinking, personal development, networking and activities that will help people find solutions to their problems or just reinforce their knowledge in various fields (arts, writing, English grammar, financial management, time management, soft skills etc.).

The workshops will most likely be held on weekends and they will last for a few good hours (probably around 4). There will also be professionals from the areas that we cover that will be invited to the workshops to give the attendees some insight into their job.

The available language options are Romanian or English and, if there are enough requests, French, as well.

I would need some insight from you now.

1. First of all, I would like to know if these workshops are something that would appeal to you and which language you would prefer to be spoken there.

2. What would you like us to talk about?

3. How much money would you be willing to invest in a workshop like this?

4. What are your fields of interest?

5. How old are you / How old is the person who you know might be interested in this?

Since the business is still in the planning phase, I can use all the help I can get, so those of you who give me ideas that I can implement will receive a discount voucher for the workshops once everything is ready, but please bear in mind that this will probably only happen after the month of January.

Thanks for all your answers.

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