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InterNations St. Petersburg Official Event @ PAULANER BRÄUHAUS

Hosted by the St. Petersburg Ambassador
Official Event
Starts in 1 week 3 days
Невский пр., 89
St. Petersburg, Russia

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Dear InterNations members!

We are ready to announce an upcoming official event!

Join us at the enchanting Paulaner Bräuhaus St. Petersburg (Nevsky prospect, 89, COSMOS Hotel) on Wednesday, May 29th, starting at 19:00. We'll have all ground floor of the restaurant for our event!

Kindly note prepayment is required to ensure the event runs smoothly. SBER Bank payment is preferable by the phone number +79119212222 (please, ask for your check by WhatsApp) or use the Timepad, … according to your membership.

On this «trip to Munich››, you will experience typical Bavarian hospitality which is based on centuries-old traditions and which was directly imported for you to St Petersburg. Look forward to a variety of food on offer that includes Munich Originals as well as Bavarian classics, accompanied by chefs' local and international favourites. Whichever dish you choose, home-brewed Paulaner beer is always an excellent supplement. Discover the typical Bavarian way of life!

A special thanks to our generous sponsors: International Association of Integrative Cooperation, "Emprana" present-impressions, Clinic of Osteopathy and Neurology "Neonatus Sanus", "S Parfum&Cosmetics", "Let's Go To Ball" and others. Don't forget to bring your business cards, there are exciting prizes up for grabs!

We look forward to have this evening with you!

Dress code: Cocktail attire.

InterNations Ambassador St. Petersburg
Living the InterNations spirit - Nobody stands alone!
InterNations is constantly growing and for many guests, this will be their first event. Please be welcoming and introduce them to your friends. Live the spirit of connecting global minds to ensure that every member has a lovely time. Thanks!
InterNations provides the infrastructure to organize activities. The voluntary organizers do not represent InterNations as vicarious agents. In the case of gross negligence by the organizers, InterNations therefore does not accept any legal responsibility for resulting damages. Neither InterNations nor the event organizers assume liability for any loss of or damage to personal property, nor shall they be held responsible in the event of financial, physical, or emotional damage. Organizers and attendees of in-person events agree to adhere to any official health guidelines and local COVID-19 restrictions.