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Invitation to Interview for CUHK Varsity Magazine (Hong Kong)

Hello everyone :)

We are reporters from Varsity, an English magazine published by the School of Journalism and Communication of CUHK. It has over Protected content monthly in 8 universities and secondary schools. ( Protected content )

Our magazine is going to feature a story on Hong Kong’s international schools in Multimedia issue and part of the story will be about the difficulties for expat students to enrol in Hong Kong’s international schools. Hence we are now looking for expat parents and their children to do an interview, to talk about their experiences in searching international schools in Hong Kong. Below are some of the key points of the interview.

1. Is there any difficulties for you to get into international schools in Hong Kong? Why?

3. Do you think the places of international schools are sufficient? Why?

4. If the places of international schools are insufficient, will this deter foreign talents from coming to Hong Kong?

5. What do you think can be done to allow more foreign students to get a place in international schools in Hong Kong?

It would be best for us to have a face-to-face interview before 21th November Protected content . Please do not hesitate to reply to this thread if you have any questions, we really need your help!!


Varsity, School of Journalism and Communication



Varsity is an award-winning magazine created for the tertiary students and faculty of Hong Kong. It is written, edited and designed by students in the School of Journalism and Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The word varsity, like university, means pertaining to higher education.

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