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Retirement Village. Housing with remote home care (Lisbon)


Hi everyone. Please allow me to introduce myself. Eleven years ago My husband set up a web based business associated with retirement housing for the over 55's mainly in Spain. The business is now run by myself although my husband still have some input in a purely advisory capacity.

Since his recent cancer scare, (and I praise God for his recovery) it has made him take more of an active role and inspired him into looking in a new direction, that of providing home services that some of the over 55's might consider or indeed need rather than thinking of purchasing a property on a purpose built retirement development.

We have always had a passion for Portugal, and we have the opportunity to set up a proper retirement village in Southern Algarve where people could actually stay in their own homes monitored through modern technology in familiar surroundings where there are already in place, all the necessary amenities etc.

What we would like to know is, would there be anyone interested enough to pledge their support for this kind of enterprise. There are certain grants available for the project which we would like to pass on these benefits to those interested in order to keep the costs of purchase of a unit and the services down to an affordable level.

Your comments would be welcomed as long as they are constructive

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