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DAO Abdominal Massage Workshop for SELFCARE (Marbella)


Did you know that originally all doctors and healer checked the abdomen first, when a sick person came to their consultation? Literally all over the world?

Something which got lost with modern medicine, but we can still take care of our abdominal area for overall wellbeing, health and happiness, simply with easy-to-do techniques at home.

The wise Daoist found out, that tension in our abdomen has a very negative impact on our health: physically, emotionally and spiritually. They figured out, that all negative emotions get stored in our major five organs and thus effect us badly, with all kind of dis-ease, starting from a bloated belly over insomnia up to severe illness.

They created a system for SELFCARE to maintain good health and happiness - both connected in their thinking: called CHI NEI TSANG.

In this fun day, DIY workshop you will learn some easy techniques based on the Dao system: breathing, meditation, bodily exercises and lots of belly massage on another person as well as on yourself. EASY, SAFE & ENJOYABLE.

A day with lots of laughter, sometimes emotional and always an experience, you will keep in your heart for a long time.

A dynamic day, no long breaks but always enough time to grab a tea, stretch out legs and go to the bathroom... 6 hours equivalent to a 9 hours day with all the long breaks on other seminars.... Thus always relaxed, no stress and with fun.

Most students go home with a huge smile on their faces and start to use, what they have learnt, right away.

If you like to learn some ancient, easy remedies for SELFLOVE and SELFCARE, do something for yourself but also for your beloved ones, then THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY.

And if you are a therapist (massage, physio) or work with yoga/pilates/Taichi or similar, then it might be an extra to addition to your work... (this is a DIY ws, obviously NOT a full CNT training, but still some bits you can add to your treatments or in your classes).

Space is limited and places go strictly by FIRST COMES FIRST SERVED. This ws will be taught in English, but because of its mainly practical approach, other languages are welcome without any problems.

In case of any physical limitations or disease, please contact Nabila before; there might be no problem to join, we will check it.

DATE: 24th of June, 12: Protected content VENUE: EVO Pilates, Cala de Mijas

TEACHER: Nabila G. Welk, therapist/instructor/nutritionist/spiritual teacher with more than 15 years of experience as a facilitator in the Daoist system and more than 30 years as a therapist and instructor.

Bookings/Info via WhatsApp please, i see that the fastest: Protected content

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