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Develop Your Communication and Leadership Skills (Nice)

This Personal development group offers you a warm welcome in a friendly meeting place situated in downtown Nice where you can enjoy a nice evening and, at the same time, perfect and enlarge your powers of public speaking. Learn to....

Control your stress
inform and inspire an audience
use modern technology gracefully and effectively
speak "off the cuff"
constructively evaluate people and situations
develop leadership and motivation qualities

take a step outside your normal 'comfort zone'. This will not be a daunting experience; it will be fun and extremely worthwhile!

Next meeting Monday November 5, Guy Fawkes night, so this should go with a bang!

7pm “au petit Gari”, 2 place Garibaldi, Nice

Meetings will be1st & 3rd Monday of Month.

For further information contact Frank Thorogood on Protected content . or Protected content

I was formerly involved in the UK for 3 years and highly recommend.

Marjie H x

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