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Battery Recycling in Rio (Rio de Janeiro)


In case anyone ever wondered on this fascinating topic.

There exists a system of Green Garbage cans for the recycling of household batteries. Whenever I have batteries to recycle, I am typically out of luck as to locations where to drop them off.

So maybe we can use this thread to give interested parties in battery recycling crowd-sourced solutions to the problem.

I recently found a functioning Battery Recycling container in Largo do Machado Square. its in the middle of the square, close or next to the Subway entrance. Next to the public toilets that are on the square.

I encourage other members here of the Rio Internations community to post here their specific Battery Recycling Locations of their choice and be as specific as you can so those folks who want to make a contribution to recycling in Rio have the opportunity to do so with our joint, crowdsourced help.

Largo do Machado works perfectly with me for Battery Recycling as this is a place I frequently visit.

I have no idea of how effective Battery Recycling works in Rio and how many tons of this waste is taken annually out of the garbage and put to other uses. I am not yet an expert on the Rio Garbage Economy.

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