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HELP!! Need to get to future husband in Cuba!!!


Hi everyone!!!
Thank you so much for reading and (hopefully!) responding to this post. I am a US citizen and am trying to meet my soulmate in Cuba. Our lifetime prayers for our future spouses to wait for each other have been answered--just unexpectedly an ocean apart!!! We have successfully failed at trying to meet and I am reaching out for help for instruction, advice, and ideas. Though we have not met, we talk and text for hours every day. We know each other at a very deep, intimate level and have planned on getting married in Cuba and me moving there (as we both truly know the first visit will prove that each is as genuine in person as they are on the phone). As a Cuban citizen, my boyfriend, Alfredo, though an industrial engineer, is poorly paid. I am on SSI, as I am disabled and unable to work, We had planned a month-long trip for him to come to Chicago. I was supposed to rent a discount apartment ( in a suburb near where I grew up for us to stay in but his visa was denied for no good reason. (His time and money for a 4 day trip from Banes, Holguin to La Havana and visa application was wasted for a day where the embassy only issued 1 visa the entire day--to an old lady. I'm not sure if it was an off day or a precursor to Trump's next-day announcement of his infuriating and virulent roll-back on Obama's (first step) Cuban policy??!! I am working on a passport, but will probably not make the deadline for a "solo" person-to-person. I am trying to figure out a way to raise funds (I am not allowed to have a savings account or have more than $2,000 in my checking account per government rules) to afford a plane ticket to Panama, and then a ticket to Cuba. My first question is: Is my research correct, in that I would only need a passport for Panama (as a visa is not needed to travel there from the states) and would not need to worry about any statutes with Cuba? Second, does anyone have any good ideas on how to raise funds for this that would not violate SSI regulations (more than one check from one place/person)? The tickets will cost with fees and bags around $1,500 plus expenses for a month's stay in Cuba. Does anyone have any idea how much that would cost and what Cuba's laws are regarding where I stay---whether with him or in a hotel? Neither Alfredo or I have traveled out of country so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!! Blessings!!

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