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how about this for CHANGE???

I know we all want to make our World a better place
but the place to start is by recognizing that there is so much Good in this World that we don't know about.....and that there are amazingly dedicated people all over the Planet working incessantly to make a difference.
Brilliant Minds that are actually offering solutions to our world challenges. Forward thinkers that are impacting the World in a Positive Way, but that most people never hear about in the news.
here is waths's coming as a response to that from thankyounews
Protected content
Watch the video and if you enjoy it pass it on to your friends for awareness.
Website will be up this week and the Channell will start broadcasting next month.
Many blessings
Massimo Noja De Marco
I invite you to help us find them and share them with the whole Group.
let's bring them to light and we will feature them on the ThankYouNews for the whole World to see.......and help them with their mission
Thank You for your Passion

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