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Master Thesis on Leadership

Dear members,

I am currently writing on a Master Thesis, and I need at least Protected content . It is processing very slow and I am looking for help. I would like to ask you to participate
in this approach. The topic is as following:

Moderating Effects of Transformational Leadership on the Relationship between Machiavellianism and Counter-Productive Work Behaviors.

This "Questionnaire for Employees" needs to be matched with the "Questionnaire for Supervisors/Colleagues", therefore IT IS OF HIGH IMPORTANCE TO FILL IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE IN PAIRS (e.g. Employee + Colleague/Supervisor). For this reason you and your colleague/supervisor will be asked to enter an mutual 8-numbered CODE, in order to identify valid pairs.


Questionnaire Employee: CODE "INTER123"
Questionnaire Supervisor/Colleague: CODE "INTER123"

Questionnaire for Employees:
Protected content

Questionnaire for Supervisors/Colleagues:
Protected content

It will take you approximately 10 minutes of your time, and you can participate in the research on Leadership. If you are interested, the results will be posted in this forum by the end of August.

Thank you very much for your help and participation in the research on Leadership.

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