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The Dating Game . . .

. . . Is different, depending where you live and for how long you've been there, your mindset, your cultural background . . . younameit . . .

Question from a group member of the *** Frankfurt Singles Lost&Found Activity Group *** which I'm running - quote:

"Is it acceptable to message other members on here (people I don't know yet) or do you recommend only initiating contact at events after meeting people? I'm not sure if I should treat this like a dating website."

- End of quote.

My (kaukasian, straight) answer . . . "Acceptable or not is in the eyes of the beholder. I would def . . . n o t . . . message other members prior to meeting IRL. IN is def not a dating website and should not be treated like that (@ Dating websites such as okc, pof and the like . . . even there I have/coach a very particular way of initiating contact. Never out of the blue.)."

What say you and why ?

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