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Why is it so difficult to Heal?


Strange isn't it? Specially when everyone wants to be healthy right? Wrong!

You can't speak of healing without speaking of forgiveness and when we do people pull back! (I'll come to this later).

When people are hurting, when they have wounds, they have something to speak of. For example is this type of conversation common where you live?

X - Hi good morning!
Y - Good morning am I grateful for what for all I have, you look good.
X - Yes, I was ill last week, but fortunately I am blessed to have money to go to the doctor!

Or is it more like this?

- Hi Good morning.
- Oh God, I really wish it was a good morning, actually I have this strong headache today. My husband has the flu, and my son oh he has been so ill lately...

After a while these two people are soaked in emotional pain. They are running those negative emotions over and over. They pitty themselves and after walking away how do you think they feel? Better?

People tend to go back to their wounds, to their hurts to justify where they are in life. They have what we call the Victim talk. How many times have you heard that because I had a very bad tempered father I am now a very shy person and I can't seem to get a good job because I am shy and quiet. As soon as you hear this fron that person you say:

Oh you poor thing. Life hasn't treated you well has it? Do have a therapist or anyone helping you to go through this?

Now all the attention is drawn to this persons "problem". This is a way of having others attention. The majority has been brought up in this manner. Sometimes the only way we seem to catch peoples attention is when we are ill, and we are learn very fast. Walking away from this can be scary. You see, people tend to think that happy people don't need attention or hugs or smiles. Wrong again! Happy people know how important this is and they hug, and they smile and they give...

When you forgive you let go of your hurt and move on, this means that your conversations have to change, your mindset has to change, you have to change.

If anyone wants to know more about this issue please watch Caroline Myss, find her video with the title Why People Don't Heal.

The good news is that anyone can change the only thing they have to do is to DECIDE to change!

Have a fantastic day and make it happen!

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