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Leonard Bernstein Tribute

Hosted by the Consul of the Rome Musicando Day & Night Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 week 3 days ago
Wed 24 Apr 17:45 - 19:45

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Leonard Bernstein Tribute:

Gabriele Coen sax e clarinetto
Benny Penazzi violoncello
Alessandro Gwis pianoforte
Danilo Gallo contrabbasso
Zeno De Rossi batteria

## CONFIRMAION ➤ You need to confirm me privately with a message by the previuos day at 18.00

➤ I managed to get a small discount for our group , saying your name and that you are with me Gerardo we will pay 10 euros instead of 12.
We are in Platea and at the end of the concert, there is an opportunity to talk with the musicians.

## CONFIRMAION ➤ You need to confirm me privately with a message by the previuos day at 18.00

➤ We can meet at the ticket entrance:
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata“
Auditorium Ennio Morricone
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia, via Columbia, 1
➤You can reach by car (there a big parking)
or by metro:
"A" Anagnina
Bus no. 20 express from the Metro Anagnina (get off at the Via Cambridge stop)##Please sign up Only if you are sure to attend to be correct towards other members who want to attend##

All the best