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Art in Movement #9: Carnets D’esquisses – Paris Dance Project

Hosted by the Consul of the Paris Drawing Group
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Took place 3 days ago
Thu 06 Feb 18:00 - 21:00

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Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions

Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions presents short forms, research statuses and works in progress by emerging choreographers. Some of these experiments will go on to develop into full-fledges performances; others will have been moments of meditation, experiences, opportunities to explore poetic, imaginary worlds of gesture.

The second season of Carnets d'esquisses continues in Protected content , with the choreographer Béatrice Masson.

A choreographer specialising in Baroque dance, Béatrice Massin began her career as a contemporary dancer, performing with a number of companies including Susan Buirge. In Protected content , she met Francine Lancelot and joined the Ris & Danceries company. She went on to become a dancer, assistant, collaborator and choreographer. This marked the beginning of a long process of appropriating the language of the Baroque.

Chorégraphe, spécialiste de la danse baroque, Béatrice Massin est tout d’abord danseuse contemporaine, interprète dans plusieurs compagnies dont celle de Susan Buirge.

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Duration: 1h

FREE with an entrance ticket to the museum.

Due to the popularity of this series of events:

If you wish to draw, please bring your own sketchbooks and art materials.

We can meet afterwards to discuss the event in one of the museum's cafés. Alternatively, you are free to visit the temporary exhibitions or the permanent collection by night.