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Pop-Up Summerbar - 2nd Discovery

Hosted by the Consul of the Antwerp Amai! Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Mon 20 May 16:00 - 17:30

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Welcome to another Summerbar visit: Bar Chapel

Protected content is a hidden gem - and a legend - in Antwerp.
Although not expected, Protected content is opening for a sixth season in a row.
The area is supposed to be converted into a co-housing project but has not started yet. So, we can still enjoy the wonderful interior and open area in the enclosed garden. There is plenty of room inside and outside. You can chose from plenty of drinks and snacks.

Walking distance from the Central Station.
Bikes can access through Protected content

Monday, May 20th is a festive in Belgium. So no excuse to appear, to get together and enjoy a drink, a chat, ...