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After-Work Drinks and Semi-Finals

Hosted by the Consul of the Berlin Oriental Vibes Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Wed 10 Jul 19:30 - 22:30

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Dear friends,

Let’s have a relaxing after-work beer together at Berlin's most exciting craft brewery Protected content and enjoy the nice weather with some tasteful snacks.

As a Berlin brewery and gastronomy company, Protected content stands for modern beer diversity and distinctive experiences. Protected content and was founded in Protected content .

The semi-finals England vs the Netherlands will be broadcasted in the brewhouse for the football lovers. You can either watch the game or have nice conversations with the wonderful InterNations members.

A table has been reserved for us, so please only sign up if you’re planning to show up, otherwise leave your spot to someone who really wants to join.

Looking forward to seeing you.
