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May Day Outing: Mira Falls and Steinwandklamm Trek 🥾

Hosted by the Consul of the Vienna Fun Sports Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 week 4 days ago
Thu 09 May 08:00 - 18:00

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🏞️ **May 9th Nature Trek: Mira Falls, Steinwandklamm, and Waxeneck Adventure!** 🥾

Immerse yourself in the wonders of nature on a rejuvenating hike to Mira Falls, Steinwandklamm, and Waxeneck! Traverse approximately 15 km of picturesque trails, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

🗓️ **Date:** May 9th
🚂 **Departure:** 8:02 AM from Vienna, Meidling (or optional boarding from Floridsdorf)
💰 **Ticket:** Group fare 12 euros (discounted)

Additional travel costs apply if you do not have a Klima Ticket 🎫

Strap on your backpacks, lace up those hiking boots, and join us for a day filled with exploration and outdoor adventure. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to discover the stunning beauty of Austria's landscapes! 🌲

📍 Hike on Thursday: Meeting point in Vienna Meidling at 7.45 a.m., departure at 8.02 a.m., boarding possible in Vienna Floridsdorf at 7.33 a.m. or Vienna Praterstern at 7.42 a.m., please get into the front carriage. Group ticket for the train journey: please let us know, then we will buy the ticket for the group!