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CANCELLED! Postponed! Discussion Topic: Time for Change

Hosted by the Consul of the Frankfurt Wellbeing & Spirituality Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Wed 29 May 19:00 - 22:00

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Due to low attendance, this event will be postponed!!
Let me know if Tuesday, June 11 would work for you.

Do you also feel that time is difficult now? The world has changed.
But we all have our personal changes too, let’s look at the encouraging part of them at another discussion night.
Food for thought:
Do you still stay in a relationship/ job/ city that doesn’t fulfill you? Why? Because you are afraid of change? Are you comfortable by knowing what you have? Or you simply don’t have the energy… Or you tip-toe around new things you want to learn or explore? If you do it, you’d be able to say: I tried!
Let’s talk about what keeps us back and how to keep a positive mind set. What did you gain or lose by making a real change? Tell us.
What I have learned so far: WE have to make a DECISION first, THEN solutions will reveal and everything else will fall into place.

“Nothing happens until you decide. Make a decision – and watch your life move forward” -Oprah Winfrey-