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Preraphaelite Brotherhood and Secret Local Restaurant in Romagna

Hosted by the Consul of the Bologna Art & Culture Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Sat 25 May 10:30 - 16:30

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In mid-nineteenth century Victorian England, some young rebellious artists created the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in Protected content the aim of renewing English painting which they considered to be in decline due to the excessively formal and severe rules imposed by the Royal Academy.
§ John Everett Millais, William Holman Hunt and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, founders of the Brotherhood, rejected the conventions of great Italian Renaissance art, primarily Raphael, promoting a return to the purity of medieval art. This movement, however, was not just a mere reactionary return to the styles of the past, but rather a visionary project that transformed the works of these artists into something decidedly modern.

¡ 10.30am meeting at the ENI service station behind the Bologna bus station, Viale Masini1/3.

¡ 11.30am arrival in Forlì. Introduction to the exhibition of the San Domenico Civic Museum which, with over Protected content , addresses the unprecedented theme of the profound impact that the history of Italian art had on the English Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood.

¡ 11.50am – 1.15pm guided tour by Prof. Francesco Menchetti of a selection of works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, furniture, ceramics, glass and metal works, fabrics, medals, illustrated books, manuscripts and jewellery.

¡ 1.20 pm short walk through the Piazza del Duomo of Forlì to the Osteria Nascosta restaurant