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Trekking Parque Aguas De Ramón.

Hosted by the Consul of the Santiago de Chile Trekking Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 4 weeks ago
Sat 30 Mar 08:15 - 12:00

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Let's hike!!

Duration of the trail: 3 hours

Type of Path: Medium / Low intensity. Extension of 6.3 km. approx. round trip

The route has risks of falling, so good trekking shoes and trekking poles are needed. Snickers are not allowed.

While there is natural water source in the route, this it is not potable.
It is needed to carry at least 1lt of water to drink.

Consider your shoes and clothes migth get wet

If you have a car or you need carpooling, please let's know to organize in the best way!

What you need:

- At leats 1Lt of water
- Trekking shoes
- Trekking Poles
- Sunscreen
- Hat
- fruits or other meal

------------------------------------------------------- Protected content
Es un trekking de media/baja dificultad.

Duración del sendero:
3 horas

Tipo de Sendero:
De intensidad media/baja. Extensión de 6.3 km. aprox. ida y regreso. Recorrerlo ida y regreso toma 3 h. aprox.
Si bien hay agua natural en el sendero, esta no es potable.

La ruta tiene riesgos de caída, así que se necesitan buenos zapatos y bastones de trekking. Zapatillas urbanas no son permitidas.

Considera que tus zapatos y ropa podrian mojarse.

- 1 litros de agua
- Zapatos de trekking
- Bastones de trekking
- Bloqueador solar
- Gorro
- Colación y ración de marcha

Héctor Vega

Activity host