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Let Your Money Work for You

Hosted by the Consul of the Mexico City Connect Group
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Took place 1 week 1 day ago
Sat 11 May 10:30 - 13:30

Ready to Join?

If you are an excellent professional, but when it comes to investing your money, you don't understand how the market works. The bank executive sells you instruments that you don't fully understand, we invite you to a totally practical personal finance class.


-Difference between debt instruments, stocks, derivatives, investment funds, cryptocurrencies, and insurance.
-What is a nominal interest rate and a real interest rate?
-How does inflation affect me and how can I mitigate it?
-What is direct investing and what is repo investing?
-What commissions are charged when buying stocks or other market instruments?
-Where to invest, and the differences between different financial intermediaries?
-What is the cetesdirecto platform, and how does development banking intervene?
-What are Bitso and Binance?
-Different market risks affect your investments.
-What kind of person are you: risk lover or risk averse, and what is your relationship with age?
-How does the investment horizon affect returns?

We will try to make it as practical and fun as possible.

To confirm your attendance before 5th of APRIL, and make the deposit as follows:

Bank: BBVA
Account holder: Montserrat Gómez Roura
Clabe: Protected content

Then send the proof of payment to Protected content WhatsApp

Important: There is no refund for cancellation, and the class will be given in Spanish.

Don't hesitate. We'll be waiting for you.