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Hosted by a member of the Calgary Community Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 5 days ago
Wed 15 May 18:45 - 21:30

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​Very Important: Please note that attendees MUST register on Luma Protected content before signing up here in the attendee list.

Nakba "The Catastrophe" Protected content Commemoration

​This Nakba Day, we welcome everyone to join Justice for Palestinians Calgary (JFP) for a FREE screening of the documentary film Tantura, a compelling documentary that delves into the events surrounding the Tantura massacre. There will be a discussion following the screening, facilitated by members of Justice for Palestinians Calgary.

Book draw

​Attendees will have the chance to enter a draw to win a copy of Against Erasure: A Photographic Memory of Palestine Before the Nakba.

​​There will be closed captioning for the film screening portion, but we do not have an interpreter for the spoken portions of the event.

​We want to remind and encourage everyone to please wear your masks! Masks will be provided to those who do not have any. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping this indoor event a safe space for all.


Check the details at Protected content

​When Israeli graduate student Teddy Katz meticulously documented a massacre of Palestinian civilians surrounding Israel's independence, he was initially celebrated for his groundbreaking work. But soon, he was stripped of his degrees and was publicly shamed as a fraudulent traitor. Decades later, incendiary new evidence emerges to corroborate Teddy's initial findings, not just vindicating him, but raising profound questions..