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Fast Hike#4 Fontainebleau Visit of Castle and Parc Possible

Hosted by the Consul of the Paris Outdoor Adventures Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 weeks ago
Sun 28 Apr 08:30 - 18:30

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Confirmation by mobile is mandatory before Saturday Noon Fast hike going from Fontainebleau to FOntainebleau
Please buy your own tickets in advance it will prevents you to wait especially after the hike as we may be in a hurry to catch the train.

Train departs at 9:16 AM. Meet me in the first wagon at head of the train no later than 9:05

Make sure you are there early enough before departure as the train sometimes leaves a few minutes earlier.

What to bring:
\- At least 2 litres of water (for winder 1,5L is usually good)
\- Your packed lunch
\- Hiking \(or trail\) shoes

Reminder : Hikes are usually between 20 and 25K. They last at least 4 hours.
The average speed is above 5,5K/hour that means it is fast.
Do not come if you are not sure to be able to keep up that speed for that long.