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Reverse Culture Shock: the Hidden Struggles of Coming Back Home

Hosted by a member of the Amman Community Group
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Took place 3 weeks 1 day ago
Tue 28 Jan 18:00 - 20:00

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Open Discussion: Navigating the Challenges of Returning Home as an Expat or Former Expat

Join us for an insightful conversation as we explore the unique challenges faced by individuals who have lived abroad and are now returning to their home country. Whether you're an expat currently transitioning back or a former expat reflecting on the experience, this discussion will focus on the emotional, cultural, and practical hurdles of reintegration. Topics will include adjusting to changes in society, reconnecting with family and friends, dealing with reverse culture shock, and reestablishing a professional identity. Share your story, hear from others, and gain new perspectives on the journey of coming home.