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Dogstar @OGR Turin (Keanu Reeves)

Hosted by a member of the Turin Community Group
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Took place 3 weeks 6 days ago
Sun 30 Jun 21:00 - 23:00

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Dogstar, the group of Keanu Reeves, Robert Mailhouse and Bret Domrose, are back on the scene and coming to OGR Torino: live next June 30 on the occasion of OGR Sonic City that will bring this concert to the glorious post-industrial setting of the former Officine Grandi Riparazioni.

The Turin stop is part of the band's world tour in support of their new album released last Oct. 6, Somewhere Between The Power Lines and Palm Trees Tour. The album marks Dogstar's return after two decades of recording silence and was anticipated by the singles "Everything Turns Around," "Breach" and "Glimmer.

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