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Cancelled Due to Bad Weather/Trip to Salzburg/Free Museums Entry

Hosted by the Consul of the Vienna Russian Speakers Fun Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Sat 25 May 07:35 - 18:00

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Dear all!

I am inviting you to Salzburg to use the opportunity of visiting museums for free on that day. We can decide together what we would like to see or have a separate program and then have a lunch together.

Exciting special programs and events are offered from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This time there are more than 70 museums in all districts - more than ever before. Thanks to a cooperation with the Salzburg Transport Association, public transport throughout the region is also free this year on the museum weekend.

Here you can find all the info regarding this event: Protected content

I suggest to take a train at 7:45 from Hütteldorf. Arrival time is 10:08. We can have a breakfast there and then start exploring the city and museums. If you have an ÖBB discount card, you can use it for WESTbahn tickets too Protected content % discount if I am not mistaken).

You can also take a train from Westbahnhof and we’ll see each other in Hütteldorf.

Looking forward to meeting you in Salzburg!
P.S. the main scope of this group is enabling people to meet each other willing to speak or to practise Russian. If you don’t speak Russian, we will probably switch to English but I can’t promise that 😀