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Mantra & Kirtan

Hosted by a member of the Wiesbaden-Mainz Arts & Culture Group
Starts in 2 weeks
Sat 25 May 15:00 - 17:30

Ready to Join?

Hello, Jai Gurudev

I invite you to celebrate through spiritual practices.
I will be there to welcome you and converse with you in French or english!

15:00 : Welcoming
If you arrive a little later and the chanting has already begun, you're welcome to enjoy the sound from outside the circle and wait until it finishes.

15: Protected content OM Chanting
OM Chanting is a free group practice that utilizes the transformative power of OM to activate participants' harmonization potential. OM Chanting transforms negative energy into positive, cleanses the energetic environment, and supports the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of participants.

16:15 PM Protected content : Cake & Chai
An opportunity to meet and exchange in a warm atmosphere.

16:45 PM Protected content PM: Kirtan Concert
Music is the language of the heart. A moment conducive to awakening joy, dance, and a deeper connection to our essence - Love.

Free admission. You're all must welcome with friends and family!

It's always a great joy for me to offer these wonderful practices as a service to humanity and to meet new people.

With Love,
Sarva Prema Devi Dasi
Atma Kriya Yoga Teacher
Project Mantra Instructor
Om Chanting & Love Circle Organizer