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Invitation to my Lectures (Berlin)

Dear friends,

In the upcoming weeks, I will give two lectures from my book „Letzte Zuflucht Schanghai“ (Last Refuge in Shanghai; published by Heyne). It tells the true and highly unusual love story between Robert Sokal, a poor refugee from Vienna, and Chenchu Yang, a young lady from a well-to-do Chinese family. They met during World War II in Shanghai and, despite of all opposition and the dramatic circumstances in this “age of extremes”, they became a couple.

The lectures will be in German. You are kindly invited to attend:

- Mittwoch, 3. Dezember, 19 Uhr: Buchhandlung im Auswärtigen Amt, Werderscher Markt 1(Mitte)

- Donnerstag, 15. Januar, 19 Uhr: im neuen Chinesischen Kulturzentrum, Klingelhöfer Str. 21(Tiergarten)

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