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looking for a spanish speaking baby sitter URGENT (Brussels)

hello Internations friends/community members,
I am looking for a spanish speaking babysitter to look after my four year old daughter. Though I work in Brussels (senior consultant for the European Commission), I live in a lovely city called Louvain-la-neuve.
my ex partner is Paraguayan but we have gone our separate ways for some time now...and he is now back to South America (resumed his position of editor in chief of a national paper there). I'm therefore looking to combine child care with spanish language training... my daughter understands spanish in a passive way (she's been exposed to it from birth) but as she's growing older and more influenced by her francophone schooling, I am worried she might lose the ability to communicate naturally and fluidly with her dad and his family members ... if I don't find a solution to boost her and get her to interact with purely spanish speaking people (she knows i can speak french so she reverts to french whenever i address her in spanish :(
Can you please advise and help me?! we are planning a big family reunion this summer and I would like to optimise their bond (Dad only speaks Spanish)
many thanks in advance for advice/guidance and recommendations

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