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Donatello's Wood Crucifix at Santa Croce..yuck! (Florence)

Donatello's Wood Crucifix at Santa Croce: am I the only one who is fussy about this?

I am so loving my visit in Florence but I had a real downer this morning. I am focusing my first week on Donatello so went to Santa Croce to see his wood crucifix, which is one of his most important works, to find it at the far end of an area blocked off for praying people only (and there were no people praying the entire time I was there). Then if that wasn't bad enough, they have it behind a cage made of black thick metal. I could barely make out it was a cross and there's NO possibility from that distance of seeing the "peasant" Christ or the emotion expressed on his face! sheesh...I was so angry.

Plus something happened last week at the church (I believe a workman was injured or died?) so the whole right side except for the first small chapel closest to the altar, is blocked off... so no Giotto's and no sign explaining why the area is totally blocked from view.

What upsets me a lot is no one mentions that you can't see Donatello's Crucifix but everyone lists it as one of the key artworks in the church, including all these websites that sell tours, tickets etc.

So am I the only one who's fussy about this? Personally I think who ever is running this church as a museum is doing a pretty lousy job. The signage is poor or absent and the map sucks. There are so many ways they could have an area reserved for prayer and display Donatello's Crucifix so we could actually see it. Or they could install binoculars and charge us another 5 Euro to actually see the Crucifix! lol

Does anyone know why is it behind that horrid cage?

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