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Sports..finally... (Hannover)


Hey everyone, the training officially will start on July 29, at 4pm at the Altwarmbuchen See. We will meet in the main parking lot. Please let me know if you can make it. I will need you to bring:
1. Bottle of water
2. A Backpack with these items inside( Towel (to lay on), notebook, pen or pencil, 2 medium sized rocks (you´ll see).
3. Green reflector belt (you should wear this around your waist)

Don´t worry, intially the training will not be on this particular least not for me, lol. The plan will be to get you use to Ranger physical training, we will eventually move that into tactical and self defense styled training with an emphasis on adapting quickly to a variety of situations. An example of this would be, moving an injured person from point A to point B while encountering a number of physical and mental barriers while attempting to meet a time deadline. Anyways please let me know if your going to be there on Friday, so that I can plan accordingly. Thanks..

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