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Category: Breakout Consul

Awarded to a new Consul who has performed extremely well in 2017, diving straight into the role and taking it on with genuine enthusiasm and drive.


2017 Winner: Victoria B. G. in Bern, Switzerland

2017 Honorable Mention: Brenda Chinyama in Lusaka, Zambia


Why They Won

In 2017, we welcomed many new Consuls to start new roles in their respective communities. This year was filled with motivation and lots of success, so this was a particularly difficult category for our jury to determine. We looked for individuals who were newer to the role but show great initiative and potential as a leader in their community.

One jury member makes the case for Victoria’s win:

“Since Victoria founded the Bern Music Group in 2017, she has hosted a remarkable 43 activities in a mere six months. When speaking with Victoria for the first time, we could sense her enthusiasm and passion for music, and we weren’t wrong. She has surpassed all expectations and gone above and beyond to provide such varied and exciting activities for her group which already has exceeded 200 members. She is a credit to the community and a joy to work with. This is further backed up by the frequent, lovely feedback she receives for each activity from her group members.”

What motivated you to apply for and take on the role of Consul this past year?

Initially, I joined InterNations because of my need to connect with expats in Central America during volunteer work in Panama. My motivation for taking on the role of Consul for the “Bern Music Group” was not only to share my passion of music with members of the Bern Community, but also to introduce them to special music venues in Bern and the surrounding area, and to make newcomers  feel welcome in the Bern Community.


What do you think was the key to your success in your first year?

Many people are stressed by one thing or another — their job, the new environment, their private life, etc. I am fortunate to have the ability to motivate people to unwind and enjoy the moment. Although I’m an expat, I know Bern and its special music bars and chill-out places well. I always check out new venues to make sure members will feel comfortable and taken care of. It is not always possible to please everyone, but I give my best.

I believe the key to my success is my passion for music in special places, my research and preparation before inviting members to an event, my interest in the wellbeing of others, and my ability to make newcomers to our group activity feel welcome. I always try to introduce newcomers to the other members of the group, and also invite expats who are alone at a venue to join us.


Do you have a particular highlight or a special memory from one of your activities that you would like to share?

Looking back on the 36 activities I organized in 2017, I believe the “Hootenanny” Scottish Party! — Whisky Tasting, Food & Live Music at the Pickwick Pub in Bern was a special experience for me and the Bern Music Group.

Expats and Swiss had the opportunity to taste Haggis and some of Scotland’s finest malt whisky for 5.00 CHF. Two of the greatest artists on the Scottish folk music scene performed in Scottish tartans and had us clapping our hands and stomping our feet to traditional Scottish music. Several expats and a group of Swiss lawyers, who were drawn to our InterNations Group reservation card, joined us to celebrate. It was a bombastic evening, and I felt like I was in Scotland.


Congratulations to Victoria in Bern, 2017’s Breakout Consul, as well as our honorable mention, Brenda Chinyama in Lusaka, for jumping into the role and making a difference in your community right from the start!


About the Winner:

Victoria B. G., from London, U.K is the founding member of the Bern Music Group. She set the group up in August 2017 and has hosted a wide and frequent range of activities since then.

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