Looking for a gym? NCREDIBLE DEAL!! Don't miss it! (Milan)
Hi everyone!! Ciao a Tutti! :)
It's me again, Tia. This time I'm writing because I'm selling my gym membership to 20 hours on Via Tolstoi, 59
Vendo un abbonamento della palestra 20 hours sita in Via Tolstoi Protected content
I joined in November for 15 months but I'm moving to Turin at the end of the month. So I have about 6 months left of my gym membership that I won't be able to use anymore.
A novembre mi sono inscritta per 15 mesi, però mi trasferisco a Torino alla fine del mese. Dunque sono rimasti 6 mesi di abbonamento che non mi servono più.
Fortunately, the gym is allowing me to transfer my VIP membership to someone else. IF you or anyone you know is interested, please send me a message!!
Fortunatamente la palestra mi permette di cambiare il nominativo dell'utilizzatore e quindi di venderli a qualcun’altro.
Se voi (o un vostro amico) foste interessati all' inscrizione, mandatemi una mail.
Here are the details/Ecco i dettagli:
Duration/Durata: 1 settembre Protected content 1 marzo Protected content
Hours of Operation:/Orari della palestra:
Monday-Friday/lunedi-venerdi: 7: Protected content
Saturday/Sabato: 8: Protected content
Sunday/Domenica: 9: Protected content
What's included: Access to the gym (obviously) but also unlimited access to the sauna and any of the regular classes offered in addition to the VIP classes, which include: Zumba, spinning, self defense, walking, yoga, cardio, body sculpting,
Incluso: Il pachetto VIP: sala attrezzi, accesso illimitato alla sauna ed al bagno Turco, Zumba, Spinning, difesa personale, walking, Full metal fitness, yoga, Cardio, body sculpty, upper body
Asking price: Protected content (negotiable)--> Send me a message, I'm flexible!! :D
Prezzo offerto: 250euro (trattabile) --> Mandami un messagio e parliamo!! :D
If you've been living in Milan for a while, you know how expensive gyms are here, don't miss this deal!! :D