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Henna Tattoos/ Henna Parties in Oslo


Hi lovely people! Firstly, word to admins, I hope I do not break any forum rules here, if so, please just let me know :)
With this post I just wanted to inform you about possibility of getting Henna (also called Mehndi) tattoos here in Oslo. Have been doing Henna for a year here in Oslo, successfully during the summer and spring, however it got a bit quite during fall season...
Even though it‘s winter season, there are still plenty of proper occasions for having Henna on you now (New Year’s Eve, dress code parties etc..). So if you are ever interested or you know, that you maybe will be in the near future, you are welcome to like my Facebook page and get inspired and reminded by the posts there. Protected content
Also, if there will be bigger interest, we can always plan a Henna party/gathering in order to meet new people, drink some wine and get prepped with tattoos :) Let me know, what you think! Always welcome to contact me or discuss it under this post!
Happy New Year!

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