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Focus ( Sabine )

Hosted by the Consul of the Zug Yoga, Health & Mindfulness Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Thu 23 May 19:00 - 20:00

Ready to Join?

Join us on a special walk that will leave you refreshed, energised and with renewed focus on the things you value in life.
Sabine will guide you, providing inputs, guidance and mindful encouragement, all aimed at improving your quality of life, training the brain to become more mindful and navigating your life in the most fulfilling way possible. We will alternate walking and being in silence (meditative exercises) with little inputs and exchanging about our experiences. Come and join this walk that will help you to wind down and center after a busy day. Afterwards we can chat and drink something together if you want, or you can take your peaceful state of mind home with you and enjoy a restful, wholesome sleep.