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Afterwork Drinks in Downtown!

Hosted by the Consul of the Montréal After Work Drinks Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Thu 02 May 18:30 - 20:30

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Hello afterwork friends,

Let's have a drink or two to light up the week-end, catch up and meet new people. Protected content is a nice welcoming place in Eaton Center (Downtown). There are several bars and restaurant that can please all tastes!

We will meet in the area dedicated to afterwork where there is the cocktail bar in front of the elevators. It is impossible to make reservations for large groups so I will ask you not to take too long to join us in order to be all together. Hamza will be reachable on his cell in case, so do not hesitate to write it down BEFORE THE EVENT.

I am looking forward to seeing/meeting you all.