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Some Insights Into Six Sigma Project Management

Hosted by the Consul of the Global Energized Living Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Tue 30 Apr 18:00 - 19:30

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* Format of the event: Presentation / educational format. Please note that this is not a discussion based event.

The term "Six Sigma" refers to a statistical measure of how far a process deviates from perfection.

A process that operates at six sigma has a failure rate of only 0. Protected content %, which means it produces virtually no defects.

Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the Protected content , and it has since been adopted by many other companies around the world, including General Electric, Toyota, and Amazon.

It is used in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and service industries to improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and increase profits.

Guest speaker: Gunsu van der Avoird
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