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How do you navigate US healthcare system? (Boston)


Hi all,
I am a video journalist for STAT News, a new health and science publication based in Boston. ( Protected content )
I am interested in documenting what it is like for new arrivals to navigate the oftentimes complicated U.S. healthcare system with its in-network/out-network hospitals and doctors, confusing insurance system and oftentimes highly expensive medical procedures.
For example, when I moved here from Pakistan I was totally shocked at the how expensive it is to go the dentist for a simple cleaning or to get a new pair of glasses made.

I'd love to be able to talk to people from different parts of the world who have had to deal with the healthcare system or are still dealing with it and how they find it to be different or similar to back home.

Feel free to reach out to me at Protected content if you want to share your experience and be part of the video.

Thanks for your time.
Suzanna Masih

Boston Forum

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