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Looking for language exchange partner (Geneva)

Hi to all Geneva locals,

As they say in French "Il faut casser le noyau pour avoir l'amande." I am looking for a French speaking language partner to break the shell. =) In return, I can offer English, Turkish language exchange or teach Turkish cuisine recipes.

I am a beginner level and very committed student. =) Although I am not looking for a tutor or one-to-one lessons, ideal person would guide me during my learning process to save time and give me feedback on my French writing on a weekly basis. And teach me about local culture. As I progress, I would like to converse in French on a weekly basis and grab a coffee maybe.

I will be sending paragraphs in French on a weekly basis. And I might send emails occasionally if I feel like I am stuck and cannot progress.

Please send an email because I cannot reply to all messages on internations.

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Nedim T.

Geneva Forum

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