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Job offer from Lagos - security advice?


Hi all,

I'm currently living and working in Monrovia, Liberia as a microfinance consultant. I was now offered a new opportunity within the same company in Lagos, that I will have to accept or reject within the next few days.

As most media sources are extremely biased, I would like to get first-hand information from expats currently living in Lagos, on the security situation in general, the pros and cons of the city, and everything else coming to mind. My wife will be moving with me and looking for a job locally, so she will be required to move around independently, just like she does here in Liberia without issues. We're both 30 y.o. Caucasians from central Europe if that makes any difference.

Sorry if this question is rather broad, but I only received the offer on Saturday and wasn't really able to do a very comprehensive background check on the country besides reading Wikipedia and the first couple hits on google.

Thank you all in advance!

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