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Ottawa Wine and Food Show: Nov 5-7, 2010


Hi All, something to check out if you're a foodie.

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Day Passes $18 in Advance
$23 at the door Fri & Sat and $18 Sun.
plus applicable fees. Advanced ticket holders enjoy accelerated entry.

The Day Pass gives you complete access to the Show floor's exhibitors. Get your 50¢ tasting tickets and sample from over Protected content , spirits and beers, taste a vast diversity of foods – and find out more about your favourites from the people who make them.

Free Kitchen Demos
Your Day Pass also lets you join celebrity chefs and cookbook authors at the Show's kitchen demonstrations, featuring demonstrations from 12:30 – 3:30 pm all three days.

Why Buy tickets in Advance?
Day Passes were introduced last year to better enable the producers of the show to maximize your enjoyment of the Ottawa Wine and Food Show. Buying tickets in advance is strongly encouraged. There are two sections to the Welcome entrance of the show. One for those who have purchased advance tickets and one for those wishing to purchase a ticket. Those who have purchased a ticket will enter the show in an accelerated fashion.

Sampling Tickets
Sampling tickets are .50 cents each. Wine and Food may be enjoyed by purchasing sampling tickets at the entrance to the show. Refunds are provided for unused sampling tickets valued at over $5.00. We invite you to return sampling tickets valued at less than five dollars as a donation on behalf of visitors to the Ottawa Food Bank.

Cash Machines
Cash Machines are available at the front entrance and within designated areas of the Show floor. We invite you to visit a cash machine in advance of the event.

Parking is $5.00 per car. Vehicles may be left over night and picked up the next day by 11am to avoid a second day parking fee. A taxi stand operates daily from the Bank Street entrance of the Civic Centre and the number of cabs dispatched is increased a the close of the show. Insiders Guide

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